A trace will normally be output either to a text file or a console window, and it will list method entries and exits in the program as it runs. 追踪的结果会输出到一个文本文件或者终端窗口上,其中会列出程序中运行的入口和出口方法。
For example, you can sort the list of blogs or the list of blog entries by date, title, most recommended, most commented, or most visited. 例如,可以根据日期、标题、最多推荐人数、最多评论人数或最多访问数来对博客列表或博客条目列表进行排序。
This file contains a list of entries; each entry indicates a volume that is shared and how it is shared. 文件包含一个条目列表;每一个条目都指明一个卷是否是共享的,以及它是如何共享的。
The results of the comparison are shown in the Compare View as a simple list of entries for each of the corresponding properties that have been found to be different. 比较的结果显示在比较视图中,将简单地列出发现有差异的每个对应属性的条目。
This code stores a list of entries in the feed object. 该代码将一系列条目存储在feed对象中。
In this case, you're simply creating a bulleted list of entries, with a title ( if there is one) that links back to the original post and the description for each post. 在这个例子中,只是创建了一个项目符号列表,带有链接回到最初源点的标题(如果有的话)和每个起源的描述。
In this section, we introduce real-life examples of how to list blog entries in a blog library, how to create a blog entry, and how to add a comment for the blog entry. 本节我们将介绍实际的例子,即如何列出博客库中的博客条目,如何创建博客条目,以及如何为博客条目添加评论。
It iterates through a file and builds a list of entries, it assigns the values to objects, it does some calculations, and more. 它要做的事情包括遍历一个文件、构建一个列表、为每个对象赋值、执行计算等等。
Data is pulled from our local database and displayed in a list of server entries. 数据从我们的本地数据库获取并显示在一个服务器条目列表中。
The list of entries in the Atom feed is first obtained, and these entries are then searched for the element that contains the Place Statistics information. Atom提要中的条目列表首先被获取,然后为包含PlaceStatistics信息的元素搜索这些条目。
A category is identified by a name and contains a list of entries specifying the widgets that belong to the category. 类别可通过名称进行标识,一个类别包含一列条目,指定属于该类别的widget。
Afterward, we jump back to the list of entries by again calling toggle on the two primary div elements. 此后,通过再次对两个主要的div元素调用toggle来返回到条目列表。
The text search box is on top, and the boxes allow you to select properties to narrow down the list of entries. 文本搜索框在顶部,这些框允许您选择属性来缩小输入项的范围。
In this case, you are limiting the list to entries that match a specific author. 在本例中,我们限制了列表只包含匹配某特定作者的那些条目。
It has various subcommands to add, remove, and list the entries. 它提供了各种子命令,以添加、删除和列出相关条目。
Menu-Name of the component used to show the list of entries Menu-用于显示条目列表的组件名称
If the list includes entries from different countries, it may need to be registered and regulated by multiple national authorities with varying approaches to privacy. 假如数据库中包含不同国家的信息,那么可能需要在不同国家的有关部门登记并接受管理,而各国在保护隐私方面的做法各不相同。
The decision was made in a public vote on Channel One state TV that announced the trio as the winners from a list of nine entries. 这是经过俄罗斯国家电视台一频道大众投票选取的结果,这三个从九个入围吉祥物中胜出。
An effective method of searching an ordered list of entries is the so-called binary search or logarithmic search method. 查几个登记项的有序表的一种有效方法就是所谓的折半查找或称对数查找。
Fuze Controlling Software Simulation Testing Based on List Entries 基于输入域的引信控制软件仿真测试
One or more of the recipients in the address list was not valid. No list of recipient entries was returned. 在地址列表中的一个或多个收件人无效。没有返回收件人项目列表。
For more information, see how to: add or remove access control list entries and ACL technology overview. 有关更多信息,请参见如何:添加或移除访问控制列表项和acl技术概述。
Adds a configuration entry to a list of entries. 向一个项目列表添加一个配置项。
You cannot clear individual entries from the list of saved entries. 不能从保存项目列表中清除单独的项目。
In the custom lists box, click New list, and then type the entries in the list entries box, starting with the first entry. 单击“自定义序列”框中的“新序列”,然后在“输入序列”框中键入各个项,从第一个项开始。
When the package runs, the log events window will list the log entries that are written to the log file. 包运行时,“日志事件”窗口将列出写入日志文件的日志条目。
An error occurred adding cc: mail private mail list entries to pab. 将cc:mail私有邮件列表条目添加到个人通讯簿时出错。
Press enter to separate list entries. 按enter键分隔列表条目。
The list of entries again underlined the interest in the impact of the internet, the growth of China, the development of brands and the art of leadership. 参选作品名单再次突显出人们对于互联网的影响、中国的增长、品牌开发以及领导艺术的兴趣。